Migraines are NOT NORMAL headaches

Most of us have experienced a headache or two, but for those suffering from migraine headaches, life can be unbearable for the length of time the attack lasts. In fact for many, these intense migraine headaches can be debilitating to the point of not being able to participate in every day activities because of the severity of the pain.

Migraines are not normal headaches. Migraine is considered a neurological disease. They are caused when blood vessels in the brain expand and press against nerves.

There are many contributing factors and triggers of migraine from certain foods, alcohol (especially wine) medications, and missing sleep, to bright lights, intense physical exertion, weather or barometric pressure changes, and emotional factors such as stress, anxiety and depression, to name a few.

Calgary Laserworks Can Help with Low Level Laser Therapy (Cold Laser)

LLLT is more and more in demand for treating migraine headaches. Low level laser, instead of needles, targets key energy points on the body helping patients heal more quickly and with longer lasting results, allowing them to get back to their daily lives.

Low level laser therapy is a safe and non-drug alternative for pain control! Call 403-301-3730 for relief today.

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Lose weight with low level laser therapy

The things that we do have precise and predictable effects on our bodies, including losing weight. Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT), also called cold laser therapy, can enhance the effectiveness of weight loss for those who are willing to make the necessary lifestyle changes such as developing healthy eating and exercise habits.

LLLT uses infrared or near-infrared light energy to penetrate the skin tissue and stimulate (accelerate) the skin cells. It operates on the principle similar to the 5,000 year old ancient Asian healing art of Acupuncture. Certain pressure points are targeted by the laser lights, emitted by a hand-held device, to trigger shifts in the patient’s inner energy. As a weight loss treatment, the activated cells effectively jump-start your body’s metabolism and suppress the appetite and control food cravings.

Low level laser therapy is considered a non-invasive, safe, easy and painless alternative weight loss method. As an added bonus, while you may feel a slight tingling during treatment, in most cases after treatment you’ll notice a calm and relaxed sensation. This is because LLLT reduces the level of anxiety and eases stress. Who in the world wouldn’t want to feel like that?! Ahhh…

Calgary Laserworks will help to empower you to live a healthier, happier life. If you have questions, or would like more information, call 403-301-3730 today.

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Suffering from stress & anxiety?

Stress and anxiety can interrupt the smooth flow of energy throughout the body. Low level laser therapy has actually been shown to help energy flow smoothly again, helping to reduce stress and lower anxiety.

The calming nature of laser therapy is known to decrease heart rate, lower blood pressure
and relax muscles. The laser stimulates the release of endorphins, those natural “feel-good” chemicals, creating a sense of overall well-being.

Low level laser treatments involve a cold, soft laser beam applied to specific energy points on the body (ears, hands, arms, wrist and feet). By targeting the energy points associated with stress and anxiety you will feel the tension leave your body.

While everyday stress is part of all our lives, and how we manage it contributes to our quality
of life, sometimes life’s circumstances can make stress and anxiety difficult to deal with on our own. Before your stress becomes chronic (long term) perhaps low level laser therapy is worth
a try. Once the dark & heavy feelings of stress are relieved you will feel more confident in your ability to cope with the challenges of life, and ultimately, a happier, healthier existence will be restored.

Call Calgary Laserworks at 403-301-3730 today so that we can help you jump-start the rest of your life!

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Ready to try an alternative therapy for migraine pain relief?

If you’ve been struggling with migraine pain and conventional medicine doesn’t seem to have any answers, maybe it’s time to try low-level laser therapy (LLLT).

Low-level laser therapy, also known as cold laser therapy, has been used for years on patients seeking effective, alternative methods of migraine pain relief. In fact, cold laser procedures are an excellent option for patients who require treatment, but who prefer to avoid medication or invasive treatments.

Cold laser therapy is a non-invasive procedure meaning that it does not heat or cut the tissue, unlike high intensity lasers. This means that there is no prolonged recovery time. The laser works at a cellular level by utilizing specific wavelengths of light to interact with your tissue which helps to accelerate your body’s natural healing mechanism.

Cold laser therapy does not mask migraine pain like many pharmacological treatments. It treats the underlying condition to promote healing.

Cold laser therapy can be easily administered. The cold lasers are handheld devices often the size of a flashlight. Clinicians place the laser directly over the affected area for 30 seconds to several minutes, depending on the size of the area being treated and the dose provided by the cold laser unit. It is quick and painless!

While each session only takes a few minutes, it may take a series of treatments before you can gauge its effectiveness.

Overall, cold laser therapy can help relieve those pain-filled days and sleepless nights, ultimately giving you your life back.

Call us here at Calgary Laserworks today for more information.


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Time to quit smoking…yet?

Stop SmokingDid you know that secondhand smoke causes almost 50,000 deaths in North America every year? That number includes almost 1000 infants. Those are deaths of non-smokers.

Isn’t that shocking?

Smokers are at high-risk for many diseases:

  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD, including emphysema and chronic bronchitis)
  • Lung cancer
  • Cancer of the mouth, lip, throat and voice box
  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Breast cancer
  • Cervical cancer
  • Stomach cancer
  • Liver cancer
  • Kidney cancer
  • Bladder cancer

Just to name a few – yikes!

Secondhand smoke can cause all of these diseases and more not only in smokers, but in non-smokers as well. For babies and children, no amount of second-hand smoke is safe. According to the Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey (CTUMS), 4.5% of children between the ages of 0 and 17 years were regularly exposed to second-hand smoke in the home.

The thought of those stats is staggering. Isn’t it time for you to quit smoking…yet?

Calgary Laserworks is here to help. Take the plunge. Call 403-301-3730 NOW!

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Kick the habit in 2017 – your life will be richer for it!

“It’s easy to quit smoking. I’ve done it hundreds of times.” – Mark Twain

You know the health risks of smoking but that hasn’t stopped you. In fact, you’ve been thinking and even talking about quitting for years. Well don’t feel guilty. You’re definitely not alone. Nicotine is powerful stuff. Many people try to quit smoking several times before they kick the habit for good.

At Calgary Laserworks we use a low level laser (cold laser) instead of needles to target key energy points on the body. These points are found around the ears, nose, hand and wrist, and when stimulated endorphins –  the body’s natural feel-good hormones – are released. This endorphin release has a calming, relaxing effect on the body which helps to reduce or eliminate nicotine cravings and the desire for cigarettes, as well as withdrawal symptoms.

In addition to stimulating an endorphin release, the laser stimulates the body’s natural ability to detoxify the nicotine, helping you through the nicotine withdrawal more quickly.

Low level laser treatments are a safe, non-invasive, pain-free, drug-free and highly effective solution that will help you quit smoking for good.

Don’t doubt yourself – set a date to quit in 2017 – you CAN do it!

Call Calgary Laserworks at 403-301-3730 today.

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The Healing Power of Laughter

You’d never expect to read about the physical, emotional, psychological and social benefits of laughter on a low level laser therapy website, but it turns out there’s some scientific truth behind the old adage “laughter is the best medicine”. Since we’re all about helping people empower themselves to live a healthier, happier life, we thought we’d remind you about our ability to heal from within simply with a regular dose of laughter.

While the benefits of laughter are too many to count here’s a list of a 12 ways it helps our bodies heal:

  • Triggers the release of endorphins
    (your body’s natural feel-good chemicals)
  • Reduces stress hormones
  • Reduces migraines
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Stimulates many organs
  • Soothes tension
  • Boosts immunity
  • Relieves pain
  • Fights depression
  • Distracts you from negative thinking
  • Improves mood
  • And, even helps with weight loss by burning extra calories!

Never underestimate the healing power of laughter. Find as many ways as you possibly can to bring a little more laughter into your life daily! Read this motivating article about what laughter can do to enhance your health.


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Seek wellness…

“Health is a state of body. Wellness is a state of being.” – J. Stanford

The best approach to wellness is to seek options that contribute to an optimal state of well being, not just a state of ‘survival’. Here at Calgary Laserworks we have found great long-term success using Low Level Laser (cold laser) for treatments such as smoking cessation, migraines, stress, anxiety and more. We are 100% committed to helping you reach your goals and in motivating you to live a healthier, happier life.

Laser therapy operates on the principle similar to acupuncture, the 5000 year old ancient art of healing, but without needles. We use a Low Level Laser instead of needles to target key energy points on the body. These points are found around the ears, nose, hand and wrist and when stimulated endorphins (the body’s natural feel-good hormones) are released. Endorphins have a natural calming, relaxing effect on the body which enhance the chance of healing success.

The procedures are non-invasive, non-thermal, safe, pain-free, affordable, and research indicates that Low Level Laser therapy has great results! The number of treatments will vary with regard to the individual problem. Since each patient and condition responds to laser therapy differently, some patients feel improvement right from the start, but it is common that lasting improvement is noticeable after a series of visits.

Contact us today to discuss how we can help you improve your life. We look forward to treating you!

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Calgary Laserworks & Reflexology can help boost your health

Make 2017 your best year yet!

You’ve heard the expression, “If you don’t have your health, you have nothing.”

All it takes is one extended bout on the sidelines of life and you understand the truth in that expression.

Studies have shown that any number of things can have a detrimental effect on your health. Stress and worry can lead to immune system breakdown and heart-related issues. Smoking is HUGE factor in the state of your health. It has been proven to cause lung disease, cancer, emphysema and coronary breakdown, to name just a few.

Studies also show that being thankful and happy can reduce stress. Research shows that 50% of our inclination to be happy is genetic, something you can’t effect very much, 10% is based on surroundings (job, money and family), and 40% is “deliberate action”. Deliberate actions are things we can control through behaviour.

So how can Calgary Laserworks and Reflexology help with your health?

We can help you take deliberate actions! We’ll help you stop smoking, reduce stress and anxiety, reduce headaches, help you with weight loss and help you relax, all which can improve your immune system and much, much more.

Choose healthy goals and feel good about meeting them this year by calling 403-301-3730!  You’ll be so grateful and proud of yourself for taking the steps to improve your health and well-being!

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