Choose healthy goals & feel amazing!

You’ve heard the expression, “If you don’t have your health, you have nothing.”

All it takes is one extended bout on the sidelines of life and you understand the truth in that expression.

Studies have shown that any number of things can have a detrimental effect on your health. Smoking is HUGE factor in the state of your health. It has been proven to cause lung disease, cancer, emphysema and coronary breakdown, to name just a few. Stress and worry can lead to immune system breakdown and heart-related issues.

Studies also show that being thankful and happy can reduce stress. Research shows that 50% of our inclination to be happy is genetic, something you can’t effect very much, 10% is based on surroundings (job, money and family), and 40% is “deliberate action”. Deliberate actions are things we can control through behaviour.

So how can Calgary Laserworks and Reflexology help with your health?

We can help you take deliberate actions! We’ll help you stop smoking, reduce stress and anxiety, and help you relax, all which can improve your immune system and much, much more.

Call 403-301-3730.  You’ll be so grateful and proud of yourself for taking the steps to improve your health and well-being!

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Take care. Be safe. Stay strong.

Our office is closed temporarily for the foreseeable future in order to protect the safety of the customers and staff.

“Staying home appears to be vital in stopping the spread of the virus and reducing the number of people infected…enforced social distancing more quickly or more aggressively appear to be more successful at “flattening the curve.” ” By Rachel Werner & David Grande for The Washington Post

We’ll eventually move beyond this virus but in our current reality we have to take good care of ourselves and each other. If we all do our part and continue to follow the experts’ recommendations, our “new normal” has the potential to help us get through this health challenge more quickly.


Stay at home if you feel unwell. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention and call in advance. Follow the directions of your local health authority. Source: World Health Organization

We hope to see you soon and will keep you updated on our website and social media.

In the meantime, we’ll be taking names for services when business resumes. If you’d like to list your name, please contact us at 403-301-3730.

Calgary Laserworks

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Overwhelmed by stress & anxiety?

Calgary Laserworks Can Help!

Stress and anxiety can interrupt the smooth flow of energy throughout the body. Laser therapy has been shown to help the energy flow smoothly. By targeting energy points associated with stress and anxiety, you will feel the tension leave your body. The calming nature of laser therapy is known to decrease heart rate, lower blood pressure and relax the muscles, ultimately reducing stress and lowering anxiety.

It’s important to keep in mind that stress is part of our life. It’s when it becomes chronic and out of control that it can become a problem. How you manage your stress and anxiety is what will make the difference to a happier, healthier life.

Here at Calgary Laserworks we can help you manage the overwhelming effects of stress and anxiety. Contact us today for a FREE consultation.

Treat anxiety & stress with laser therapy

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Choose Calgary Laserworks

Been trying to quit smoking?  Suffering from stress & anxiety?

Calgary Laserworks is based in Calgary, Alberta and has been serving the area for over 10 years. We have found great success in using low level laser for treatments such as smoking cessation, stress, anxiety and more. We are 100% committed to helping clients reach their goals and to motivate you in living a happier, healthier, stress-free, smoke-free life.

“I too, battled a nicotine addiction for over 30 years … yes, 30 years! After successfully quitting with laser therapy, it inspired me to help others.”  – Kim, Calgary Laserworks Owner/Operator

Laser therapy is considered a non-medical treatment. At Calgary Laserworks, we will provide you with all the information you’ll need to quit smoking and help you manage the overwhelming effects of stress and anxiety. Working together, with your desire and our support, you can make the change.

Conveniently located in the Heritage Professional Center just off of Macleod Trail and Heritage Drive, Calgary Laserworks is here to help you succeed…FREEDOM…at last!

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Is Low-Intensity Laser Therapy Right for You?

Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT), also referred to as Cold Laser Therapy, is a CSA-approved low-intensity laser treatment that operates on the principle similar to acupuncture.

Each treatment typically takes approximately an hour. The total number of treatments is dependent upon many factors which will be evaluated by your certified laser technician. During treatment you’ll feel the laser device touching your skin, but the procedure is painless and noninvasive.

LLLT is as safe as it is effective and no serious side effects have been reported with this form of light therapy. It can be a good alternative for people who want to avoid invasive treatments.
See our FAQs section on our website for more information.

Book a session today!

Calgary Laserworks is always accepting new patients. Call 403-301-3730 for a FREE consultation. We’ll help you quit smoking and/or manage the overwhelming effects of stress and anxiety.

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Make 2019 your best year yet!

So, deep breathe through the nose, long exhale through the mouth and repeat…

Ahhhh…another holiday season has come and gone. So much love and laughter, but so much work and stress and worry that it can knock the life right out of you, taking a detrimental toll on your health.

If you find yourself searching for an easy-to-keep resolution this new year to help you improve your overall health, low level laser therapy may be just what you need. LLLT is:

  • Safe
  • Easy
  • Affordable
  • Effective

Studies have shown that any number of things can have a detrimental effect on your health but stress and anxiety are in the top 5 and can lead to immune system break down.

Studies also show that being thankful and happy can reduce stress. Research shows that 50% of our inclination to be happy is genetic, something you can’t effect very much, 10% is based on surroundings (job, money and family), and 40% is “deliberate action”. Deliberate actions are things we can control through behaviour.

So how can Calgary Laserworks help with your health?

We can help you take deliberate actions! We’ll help you reduce stress and anxiety, reduce headaches, help you relax, all which can improve your immune system and much, much more.

Choose healthy goals and feel good about meeting them this year by calling 403-301-3730!  You’ll be so grateful and proud of yourself for taking the steps to improve your health and well-being!

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Relief before the holidays!

“Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are.” – Chinese Proverb

Laser therapy stimulates the release of endorphins, those natural “feel-good” chemicals, creating a feeling of well-being. We can help!

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